Pelster's Magazine

Successful IFS Wholesale certification: A special milestone for our oat drink startup

Erfolgreiche IFS Wholesale Zertifizierung: Ein besonderer Meilenstein für unser Haferdrink-Startup
In June, we reached an important milestone: Our company was successfully certified according to the IFS Wholesale Standard . This certification confirms that our processes and products meet the highest quality and safety requirements - an achievement that is particularly remarkable considering the size of our company. Hardly any startup achieves this award so early, and it is a big step towards future growth.

What is the IFS standard?

The IFS (International Featured Standards) is an internationally recognized standard that ensures the quality and safety of food. The IFS Wholesale Standard that we have received checks in particular whether wholesalers are able to store and distribute their products safely. The following points are checked, among others:
  • ➤ Product safety and quality
  • ➤ hygiene regulations
  • ➤ Process and risk management
  • ➤ Traceability of products along the entire supply chain

Why is this certificate so special for us as a startup?

As a young and growing company, it is extraordinary to receive such a demanding certification as the IFS Wholesale certification at this early stage. Many startups of our size do not achieve this standard because it places comprehensive and strict requirements on a company's processes and structures. The fact that we have achieved this shows that we have focused on the highest quality and safety right from the start.
The certificate not only gives us a clear competitive advantage, but is also a strong foundation for our further growth. It opens doors to larger distribution partners and markets that require such certifications.

What does IFS certification mean for our customers?

For our customers, IFS Wholesale certification means above all trust . They can be sure that our oat drink powders and instant oat drinks are manufactured, stored and distributed according to the highest standards - despite our company size. Specifically, our customers benefit from:
  • ➤ Guaranteed product safety : Our processes are regularly checked and optimized to ensure the safety and quality of our products.
  • ➤ High transparency : We can always trace where our ingredients come from and how the products are processed.
  • ➤ Consistently high quality : Strict quality controls ensure that we always produce and deliver our oat drinks under the best conditions.

A step towards the future and growth

The IFS Wholesale certification is not only an award, but also a key to our future growth. With this certificate, we can expand our business, enter new markets and work more closely with large trading partners who demand this type of quality assurance.
For us, the certification is a sign that we are on the right track – and we will continue to do everything we can to offer our customers the best oat products.
Thank you for your trust! We look forward to continuing to grow together and delighting you with our high-quality oat drinks .

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