Pelster's Magazine

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

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What is mindfulness?


Mindfulness - a term that is receiving more and more attention. But what exactly does it mean? Mindfulness describes the ability to be consciously in the present moment without judging. It is about sharpening our perception, concentrating on the here and now and accepting our thoughts, feelings and sensory impressions as they are.

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Mindfulness can be practiced in many different ways and is not just found in meditation or yoga. It can be integrated into everyday life to find more peace, clarity and contentment. Here are some examples:
  • ➡️ Conscious breathing: Take a few moments to breathe in and out deeply. Focus only on your breath and feel it flowing in and out of your body.
  • ➡️ Slow eating: Enjoy your meals mindfully by taking time to appreciate the taste, texture and smell.
  • ➡️ Walks in nature: Consciously observe your surroundings – the colors of the trees, the chirping of the birds or the feeling of the wind on your skin

Why is mindfulness important?

In a hectic world full of distractions, mindfulness can help reduce stress and reconnect with yourself. It creates space for self-reflection and can help us live more consciously and balanced. Studies show that mindfulness not only strengthens mental health, but also has positive effects on physical health.

How can you practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness does not require any special requirements or a lot of time. You can easily incorporate it into your everyday life:
  • ➡️ Morning routine: Start the day by taking a few minutes to breathe deeply and focus on what is important to you.
  • ➡️ Gratitude: Write down three things you are grateful for every day.
  • ➡️ Technology-free time: Consciously put your phone aside and devote yourself fully to the moment, be it reading, cooking or talking to friends.


Mindfulness means living more consciously and appreciating the little moments in everyday life. It can help us to deal with challenges more calmly and experience life more intensely. Try it out and find out how mindfulness can enrich your life.
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