Pelster's Magazine

Haferdrink auf Reisen – Praktisch, Nachhaltig und Perfekt für unterwegs

Oat drink on the go – practical, sustainable and perfect for on the go

Benefits of oat drink powder when traveling - on your flight, on a weekend trip...
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Angstmacher: Haferdrink lässt den Blutzucker ansteigen – Was steckt wirklich dahinter?

Scaremongering: Oat drink causes blood sugar to rise – what’s really behind it?

Oat drinks are currently in the spotlight to increase blood sugar levels. In this article,...
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Chai Latte: Ursprung, Genuss und gesundheitliche Aspekte

Chai Latte: Origin, Enjoyment and Health Aspects

We take a closer look at our chai tea with oat drink, its health benefits...
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Pflanzendrinks im Fokus: Kalorien und gesundheitliche Vorteile im Überblick

Plant drinks in focus: calories and health benefits at a glance

We take a look at the health benefits and calories of different plant-based drinks.
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Die Vielseitigkeit des Hafers: Ein Superfood im Rampenlicht

The versatility of oats: a superfood in the spotlight

In this article, we take a look at the history, cultivation, processing and nutritional benefits...
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Wie wird Haferdrinkpulver hergestellt?

How is oat drink powder made?

Here we explain how our oat drink powder is made!
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Braucht der Mensch tierische Milch?

Do humans need animal milk?

"Humans need animal milk" is a widespread myth that is not entirely true. Let's take...
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